Chronic Care Services
Chronic diseases impose an enormous financial and societal burden on the United States. 6 IN 10 Adults in the US have a chronic illness. And 4 IN 10 Adults in the US have two or more. Chronic diseases are LEADING CAUSES OF DEATH AND DISABILITY and the Leading Drivers of the Nation’s $3.8 Trillion in Annual Health Care Costs.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), chronic diseases today account for 70% of the deaths of all Americans and 75% of this country’s annual health care costs. Unless we take steps to deal effectively with chronic diseases, our nation is headed for a severe financial and quality-of-life crisis. This crisis is worsened by Aging population, obesity, unhealthy eating, lack of exercise, smoking, unhealthy stress, and coping mechanism leading to anxiety and depression.
Because of the increasing burden of chronic diseases, the United States faces a potential financial and health care crisis of unparalleled proportion. We must not lose this opportunity to do whatever we can to reduce the costly and unnecessary burden of chronic disease that will continue to fuel that crisis. Our nation deserves no less. “Most of these risk factors are preventable and treatable, and tackling them will bring enormous social and economic benefits. Due to inadequate policy attention and funding for public health and behavioral research, we are failing to change unhealthy behaviors, particularly those related to diet quality, caloric intake, and physical activity.
Shield Medical Group has a wellness center at the office. We hold regular educational classes regarding disease-specific education, diet, Smoking Cessation, Exercise, and emotional support classes.
Every patient gets a Health Risk assessment which is electronically tracked and coordinated to ensure reliability and compliance. We offer the following services to our patients
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1. Customized Health Risk Assessment to assess the potential health risk factors before they cause one of the chronic disease. SMG captures unhealthy eating habits, smoking , substance abuse, improper management of stress to develop customized health plan for you.
2. Annual wellness Visits- AWV. AWV are designed to know you as a whole rather than knowing your medical diagnoses. In this visit we focus on to know you as a whole person. We learn about your social habits, your support system at home and your comping mechanisms.
3. Annual Physicals – We focus on find the disease which are not apparent yet.
4. Individualized Care Plan.
5. Dedicated Health Coach to guide and coordinate care
6. Reliable Referral coordinator.
7. Chronic Disease Management services to provide support and education to manage your chronic medical diseases to prevent you get sick.
8. The transition of care Services help you to navigate your care after Emergency Room visit, Hospitalization or nursing home stay. We stive to see you with 3 days after discharge from these facilities
9. Remote Patient Monitoring via connected devices to monitor your diseases at home
10. Comprehensive Education Program to empower you to know your medical conditions and implement treatment plan