
Wellness Center

Welcome to the beginning of better health possibilities!

Mission– Promoting holist Physical, emotional, intellectual and Social Health.

Vision– Be a place of disease prevention and Education to Improve Quality of Life

Values– Dedicated Wellness Center and community need based Programs.

Know your Self

No wellness program will be of any value without clear understanding and knowing the needs and wants, All of us must visualize us as human body, mind, intellect and its relation to social environment. It is imperative that we understand everyone through the lens of body, mind, intellect. We experience everything in this world through our body with its all senses. Our mind helps us to enrich our lives via emotions. Intellect analyzes all the information reaching our brain to understand, process and create an actionable plan. Our world around us is made up of other People, Place, Things, Events and Time. The story of understanding our bodily need and wants, mental emotions, intellectual process and interaction with social world is Human Autobiography. It will be prudent to know that our body at a basic level need food, sleep, exercise, and desire to procreate. We do emotionally best when we have dedicated leisure time and in the company of friends. Intellectually we must strive a goal in life which are bigger than us. Our goal is to create impactful program to improve all aspects of your health.

What are the program available at Shield Wellness Center?

We provide the following service

  1. Group Physical Health Classes
  2. Group Educational Classes.
  3. Group Entertainment Classes.
  4. Community Access Center Services.
  5. Community Resources
Which group physical health classes are available?

The programs change depending upon the need of our participants. Currently We are having Yoga classes for beginners and Advanced participants 3 days a week. Also have Ti chi classes once a week.

What are topics discussed in educational classes?

Our patients pick up the topics for discussion. We have conducted group educational classes on Diabetes, Hypertension, High cholesterol, COPD, Nutrition, Geriatrics issues and Advance directives.

Which are fun classes being held?

We have a bingo once a week.

Who Can use Wellness Center?

Everyone in the community can use it so long as it is approved by the management.

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